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Facebook Updates its Algorithm


As Facebook is ever-changing we never know what the platform might look like. Next time we log in you can see what new feature it may have. For now, what we do know is that they rolled out a new update last week; its new algorithm will exclude links to low-quality website experiences. In simpler terms, people won’t be seeing deceiving posts anymore. The types of posts that lead to useless websites with little content and an overwhelming amount of ads.

It’s great news as a consumer and regular users, as we already dislike spammy content. On the other side, this will penalize the organic rankings for businesses with low-quality experiences. As long as you’re abiding by their rules, you should see the spammy content decreasing while your content slowly starts getting more traffic and surfacing in the newsfeed.

Well, you might ask what they even consider a low-quality website experience?
Facebook provides a list of “what not to have” in their ad guidelines and we highly suggest you follow these rules or your content will soon fall off the map.

  • Use ad images that are excessively cropped or require people to click the ad to view the full image
  • Include deceptive ad copy that incentivizes people to click on your ad
  • Feature sexually suggestive or shocking content on your landing page
  • Display malicious or deceptive ads on your landing page
  • Have a high ratio of ads relative to the content your landing page
  • Use popup ads, interstitial ads or other ad formats that disrupt the user experience on your landing page

Facebook announced they are doing so because their users are unhappy with being taken to sites that are just “click-bait” designed. People use these sites to draw users in to get them to click on an ad. Facebook has stated they will roll out changes to the algorithm gradually over the coming months. Similar to the work they have already done to stop misinformation, this update will help reduce the economic incentives of financially motivated spammers.


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