How To Use Images to Market Your Brand

Posting images to social media is one of the most important parts of successful social engagement. However, to take your brand a step further, you have to learn how to use photos in the most efficient way possible.

It’s statistically proven that images evoke a stronger emotional response from people. They also form stronger connections with your brand. According to Facebook News, in the last year alone the amount of video from people and brands on Facebook have increased 3.6X year-over-year. looked at the top 10% of posts made by more than 30,000 Facebook brand pages. They found that posts with photos saw the most engagement—accounting for 87% of total interactions to be exact. With those kinds of numbers, visual content sharing is at an all-time high.



When considering the best way to market your brand using photos coupled with the growing trend of using visuals more throughout social media, you have an important first step of thinking about what emotion you want to stir. Using emotions as a guide is the most simple yet powerful way of directing visual content to successfully showcase your brand.

Other successful ways to market your brand through photos is to have a cohesive theme. You want to stand out as something different to intrigue your audience. People form a first impression in a mere 50 milliseconds, so capturing their attention and keeping it can be a challenge, but an exciting one!
You can use elements like color schemes, brand images, and symbols to solidify what you want your brand to mean. Keep people interested by always finding new ways to express your brand, but don’t forget to keep your them consistent and concise throughout your images.



That being said, staying authentic is vital. We’ve all seen the awkward, stilted social media chatter of big corporations trying to be hip. Don’t be “that brand.” Find your voice and your style and express it in a real way through your images.
Sharing photos and videos of moments that occur in both your daily work environment and in your company’s involvement in your community are fantastic ways to do this. Let them see a glimpse of what your brand and company really are as opposed to a faux front. As the minds behind Instagram put it, “Show how your company sees the world and make it meaningful to people.”

Another important factor when it comes to marketing a brand in conjugation with images is creating a hashtag that becomes synonymous with your brand. Posts with hashtags are statistically proven to get double the engagement than those without. So get creative, or join a trending topic but don’t get too hashtag happy! Too many hashtags just become ineffective.
Methods like these will help you find your footing as a brand. Visuals make impressions quickly and effectively because they help people understand larger amounts of information more quickly. A picture is worth a thousand words; make sure you write something beautiful.

If you need help, MAKE has the capabilities to take your digital marketing to the next level.


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