WordCamp KC 2016

First, WordCamp Kansas City is an annual conference focused on the software, WordPress, and the people who use it. You may find it’s also for businesses, agencies, and individuals who have taken an interest in digital marketing. This may include blogging, social media, content creation, and distribution, etc. This is a great opportunity for decision-makers and creators in the Kansas City area to collaborate. Especially exciting is a chance to come together with fellow creators to explore new and exciting ideas and innovations. MAKE uses WordPress for development and designing our client sites.

So, if you’re looking to get involved with WordCamp, follow this link for 2018 tickets!

Average Campaign Stats By Industry:

Best Practices for 2016-2017:



Mobile Optimization and Best Practices:

Here, we linked some helpful tools and tips which will assist you when trying to optimize your site! Furthermore, these links will provide you with practices, tools, and other items that will allow you to be successful in your digital marketing journey. Finally, MAKE believes that WordCamp KC is an awesome chance to develop new abilities and network with other KC business people.


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